Taki nagły spadek temperatury zmusza do szybkiego przeglądu szafy w poszukiwaniu szalika, czapki, butów czy rękawiczek. Baletki i apaszki idą w odstawkę, a ciepłe szaliki, mittenki i buty z futerkiem goszczą znów na naszych półkach. Każda jesień to okazja do kupienia nowych akcesorii (pomimo nadmiaru tych z ubiegłych lat, przynajmniej w moim wypadku.)
oferowały ciepłe akcesoria gdy jeszcze za oknem świeciło słońce a
łaskawa dla nas jesień nie pozbawiała nas temperatur powyżej 15 stopni.
Niestety, to co dobrze zawsze się kończy, więc już teraz witamy zimę.
- szeroki wybór szalików w tym roku sprawia, że aż chcemy się nimi
otulić, mimo że, szalików nie lubimy, czy mamy ich już na pęczki. Są
miękkie niczym sztuczne futerko, w stonowanych kolorach jak jasny szary
czy karmelowy, są także czerwone kraciaste, ale prędzej przypominają w
tym roku kaszmirowy kocyk niż spleciony sweter.
- są ciepłe, ze skórzanymi wstawkami, czy w formie mitenek. Mittenki są
słodkie i praktyczne, zwłaszcza te z klapkami. Zrobione są ze
sztucznego futerka, czy tworzywa takiego jak wyżej wymienione szaliki.
- Im większe, tym lepsze, taka zasada panuje od kilku sezonów, a czapka
przypominająca nocną czapkę Ebenezera Scrooge nie jest nowością. Mają duże
pompony, uszy, są luźne, duże i ciepły, najczęściej plecione.
- Tej zimy, nosimy przeróżne botki jak i kozaki za kolano. Buty są
masywne, co sprawdzi się podczas ślizgawek. Najczęściej są czarne lub
brązowe, mogą mieć futerko w środku.
Warm, cozy, soft accessories for winter, wanted NOW
The sudden drop in temperatures sends us to our closets for a quick overview in search of scarves, hats, shoes and gloves. Summer flats and thin scarves are stacked away, while warm scarves, mittens and fur-lined shoes take their place on our shelves. Each autumn is an opportunity to buy new accessories (despite the many accessories bought in the previous years, at least in my case.)
Stores offeres warm accessories when even the sun shined through the window and the autumn was kind to us with temperatures above 15 degrees C. Unfortunately, what's good always ends, so now it's time to welcome the winter.
Scarves - a wide selection of scarves this year makes up want to wrap them around ourselves, even if we're not too fond of them or have enough already. They are soft like artificial fur, in soft colors like light gray or caramel but also in red plaid, and rather resemble a cashmere blanket this year than a woven sweater.
Gloves - they are warm, with leather inserts, some in the form of mittens. Mittens are cute and practical, especially those with flaps. They are made from faux fur or soft warm fabric like aforementioned scarves.
Hats - the bigger, the better, such a rule has prevailed for several seasons, and a Ebenezer Scrooge nightcap hat is nothing new. They have large pom poms, or ears and are loose, big and warm, usually braided.
Boots - this winter, we wear all sorts of boots and knee boots. Shoes are bulky, which will work during icy weather. The most common are black or brown, and they may have fur on the inside.
Warm, cozy, soft accessories for winter, wanted NOW
The sudden drop in temperatures sends us to our closets for a quick overview in search of scarves, hats, shoes and gloves. Summer flats and thin scarves are stacked away, while warm scarves, mittens and fur-lined shoes take their place on our shelves. Each autumn is an opportunity to buy new accessories (despite the many accessories bought in the previous years, at least in my case.)
Stores offeres warm accessories when even the sun shined through the window and the autumn was kind to us with temperatures above 15 degrees C. Unfortunately, what's good always ends, so now it's time to welcome the winter.
Scarves - a wide selection of scarves this year makes up want to wrap them around ourselves, even if we're not too fond of them or have enough already. They are soft like artificial fur, in soft colors like light gray or caramel but also in red plaid, and rather resemble a cashmere blanket this year than a woven sweater.
Gloves - they are warm, with leather inserts, some in the form of mittens. Mittens are cute and practical, especially those with flaps. They are made from faux fur or soft warm fabric like aforementioned scarves.
Hats - the bigger, the better, such a rule has prevailed for several seasons, and a Ebenezer Scrooge nightcap hat is nothing new. They have large pom poms, or ears and are loose, big and warm, usually braided.
Boots - this winter, we wear all sorts of boots and knee boots. Shoes are bulky, which will work during icy weather. The most common are black or brown, and they may have fur on the inside.
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