Obecne wyprzedaże mogą skusić do kupienia butów z poprzedniej
kolekcji z myślą, że '"taniej nie kupię takich" lub "nadal pewnie będą
modne." Już pojawiają się nowe kolekcje butów w sklepach wraz z
jesiennymi kolekcjami. Mnie zachwyciła kolekcja H&M.
Jako wielbicielka butów, zawsze mi jakiś butów
brakuje w kolekcji. Przez dłuższy czas stawiam na te bardziej wygodne,
sportowe, płaskie, i kolorowe. Kolorowe buty ożywią nawet najciemniejszy
Tej jesienni, powracają klasyczne kształty ze
szczyptą modernizmu. Botki z wycięciami, botki-sandały, buty z łańcuchami, masywne kozaki jak i te
płaskie, tenisówki wsuwane, klasyczne czółenka, mokasyny. Są zamszowe
jak i z motywem skóry węża, obowiązkowo w neutralnych kolorach: czerń,
brąz, beż.
Mi osobiście przypadła do gustu kolekcja H&M, w której spokojnie znalazłabym nie jedną parę butów dla siebie. Ale
patrząc na to, że zwyczajnie nie mam już gdzie trzymać tych butów,
ograniczę się do kupna jednej pary... maksymalnie dwóch, ale co będzie,
zobaczymy. W końcu jesień się nawet jeszcze nie zaczęła.
Kuszące są buty na pogodę przejściową, jak botki z
wycięciami czy kryte sandały, ale jesień w Polsce bywa mokra i zimna.
Szybko zamieniamy baletki i sandały na masywne kozaki.
Wybiegi zaprezentowały nam masywne modele kozaków, od botków po te
sięgające kolan, od płaskich po te na grubym obcasie, w kolorze czarnym,
brązowym i jasno-brązowym. Takie nadają się idealnie na polskie
Shoes for fall: massive, cut-out, comfy, neutral
current sales might tempt to buy shoes from previous collections with
the thought, "I won't find them cheaper" or "they'll likely still be in
style." New shoes collections are appearing in stores right now along
with fall collections. I'm liking the H&M collection.
As a lover of shoes, there is always a pair of shoes
missing from my collection. For a long time, I choose the more
comfortable, sporty, flat and colorful ones. Colorful shoes will give
even the darkest outfit some color.
This fall, classic styles are back with a touch of
modernism. Booties with cut-outs, bootie sandal hybrids, shoes with
chains, massive and flat boots, slip-on sneakers, classic pumps,
moccasins. They're suede as well as in snake-skin, in must-have neutral
shades of black, brown and tan.
I personally fell in love with the H&M
collection, from which I could easily choose more than one pair of shoes
for myself, but stores like Stradivarius, Bata or CCC have some nice
ones as well. But considering the fact that I simply don't have a place
for them, I will limit myself to buying one pair... two maximum, but
we'll see what happens. After all, fall didn't even start yet.
Shoes for in-between weather are tempting, like
booties with cutouts or covered sandals, but fall in Poland tends to be
cold and wet. We quickly trade in flats and sandals for massive boots.
Runways presented us with massive styles of boots, from
booties to knee-lengths, from flat to those on chunky heels, in colors
like black, brown and light brown. These are ideal for the Polish
Shoes for fall: massive, cut-out, [comfy,] neutral
current sales might tempt to buy shoes from previous collections with
the thought, "I won't find them cheaper" or "they'll likely still be in
style." New shoes collections are appearing in stores right now along
with fall collections.
As a lover of shoes, there is always a pair of shoes
missing from my collection. For a long time, I choose the more
comfortable, sporty, flat and colorful ones. Colorful shoes will give
even the darkest outfit some color.
This fall, classic styles are back with a touch of
modernism. Booties with cut-outs, [bootie sandal hybrids, shoes with
chains], massive and flat boots, slip-on sneakers, classic pumps,
moccasins. They're suede as well as in snake-skin, in must-have neutral
shades of black, brown and tan.
I personally fell in love with the H&M
collection, from which I could easily choose more than one pair of shoes
for myself, but stores like Stradivarius, Bata or CCC have some nice
ones as well. But considering the fact that I simply don't have a place
for them, I will limit myself to buying one pair... two maximum, but
we'll see what happens. After all, fall didn't even start yet.
Shoes for in-between weather are tempting, like
booties with cutouts or covered sandals, but fall in Poland tends to be
cold and wet. We quickly trade in flats and sandals for massive boots.
Runways presented us with massive styles of boots, from
booties to knee-lengths, from flat to those on chunky heels, in colors
like black, brown and light brown. These are ideal for the Polish