Jak wprowadzić Świąteczny nastrój tu i teraz
Już nie ma tych czasów, gdy wyczekiwało się Wigilii aby ubrać choinkę. W listopadzie już świąteczne dekoracje rozświetlają ulice miast i centra handlowe, a usłyszenie amerykańskich piosenek związanych z Christmas, śniegiem, mikołajem, to już nic dziwnego. Zatem to w grudniu odczuwamy świąteczny nastrój i zaczynamy wprowadzać ten klimat do naszych domów. Jest to piękny okres. Jest to czas na refleksje i na spotkanie się z bliskimi. Jest to czas, w którym waga podąża w złym kierunku, ale w końcu są Święta, i są raz do roku, wiec dlaczego nie objadać się sernikiem i makowcem.
Oto kilka propozycji na wprowadzenie świątecznego nastroju do swojego życia:
How to add a holiday touch here and now
We no longer have those times when we wait to dress up the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. Already in November, Christmas decorations light up the city streets and shopping centers, and we hear songs associated with Christmas, snow, Santa Claus, it's nothing new. Thus, in December we get into a festive mood and start to implement the climate in our homes. It is a beautiful time. It is a time for reflection and to meet up with loved ones. This is the time where our weight moves in the wrong direction, but in the end these are the holidays, and as every year, we overeat cheesecake.
Here are some suggestions for introducing the Christmas spirit into your life:
How to add a holiday touch here and now
We no longer have those times when we wait to dress up the Christmas tree on Christmas Eve. Already in November, Christmas decorations light up the city streets and shopping centers, and we hear songs associated with Christmas, snow, Santa Claus, it's nothing new. Thus, in December we get into a festive mood and start to implement the climate in our homes. It is a beautiful time. It is a time for reflection and to meet up with loved ones. This is the time where our weight moves in the wrong direction, but in the end these are the holidays, and as every year, we overeat cheesecake.
Here are some suggestions for introducing the Christmas spirit into your life:
1. Ubrać choinkę na początku grudnia. A niech postoi sobie do Trzech Króli. W domu od razu przytulniej.
1. Dress up the Christmas tree in early December. And let it stand until the Epiphany. The home gets cozier right away.
1. Dress up the Christmas tree in early December. And let it stand until the Epiphany. The home gets cozier right away.
Zrobić dekoracje z owoców. Lubię robić dużo rzeczy sama zamiast stawiać
na kupne. Zapieczone plastry pomarańczy jak i innych cytrusów, oraz
jabłek, wyglądają przepięknie na choince, wieńcu, czy stroiku.
2. Make fruit decorations. I like making a lot of things on my own instead of buying them. Dried, baked slices of oranges, apples and other citrus fruit look beautifully on the Christmas tree, wreath, or as a table decoration.
2. Make fruit decorations. I like making a lot of things on my own instead of buying them. Dried, baked slices of oranges, apples and other citrus fruit look beautifully on the Christmas tree, wreath, or as a table decoration.
Upiec pierniki. Zwłaszcza bezglutenowe, koniecznie w świątecznych
kształtach. Niepowtarzalny zapach cynamonu, imbiru, goździków i
kardamonu wprowadzi w świąteczny nastrój od razu.
3. Bake gingerbread cookies. Especially gluten-free ones in festive shapes. The unique smell of cinnamon, ginger, cloves and cardamon ushers in the festive mood right away.
3. Bake gingerbread cookies. Especially gluten-free ones in festive shapes. The unique smell of cinnamon, ginger, cloves and cardamon ushers in the festive mood right away.
Zrobić grzaniec i/lub gorącą czekoladę. Zima kojarzy się z
rozgrzewającymi napojami. Na starówce zapach grzańca unosi się wśród
udekorowanych kamienic, ale wolę przyrządzić w domu, po swojemu. A dla
dzieci, czy niepijących, gorąca czekolada.
4. Make mulled wine and/or hot chocolate. Winter is associated with hot drinks. The smell of mulled wine in the old town floats amid decorated houses, but I prefer to make it at home. And for children or nondrinkers, hot chocolate is ideal.
4. Make mulled wine and/or hot chocolate. Winter is associated with hot drinks. The smell of mulled wine in the old town floats amid decorated houses, but I prefer to make it at home. And for children or nondrinkers, hot chocolate is ideal.
![]() |
http://www.cdn.ug.edu.pl/3765/rozgrzej-sie-na-slodko/ |
Kupić i zapakować prezenty bliskim (i sobie). Fajnie jest kupować
prezenty innym, zwłaszcza gdy wiemy, że o tej rzeczy marzyli. Można też
sprawić sobie prezent (lub dwa). No i pakowanie prezentów jest również fajne, czy to na Święta czy na Mikołajki.
5. Buy and wrap gifts for close ones (and yourself). It's fun to buy gifts for others, especially when we know what they want. You can also give yourself a gift (or two). And wrapping them is also cool, whether for the holidays or St. Nick's Day.
5. Buy and wrap gifts for close ones (and yourself). It's fun to buy gifts for others, especially when we know what they want. You can also give yourself a gift (or two). And wrapping them is also cool, whether for the holidays or St. Nick's Day.
Obejrzeć Kevina, Love Actually, Christmas Story, zapalanie choinki na Rockefeller, itd. Mimo
tego, że te filmy widziało się setki razy, to nie ma Świąt bez Kevina. W
Stanach zaś w pierwszy dzień Świąt, leci cały dzień "Christmas Story",
takie moje wspomnienie z dzieciństwa. Kiedyś także oglądałam zapalanie
choinki na Rockefeller Center w Nowym Jorku.
6. Watch "Love Actually," "Christmas Story," "Home Alone" or lighting of the Rockefeller Christmas tree, etc. Despite having seen these films hundreds of times, it is not Christmas without Kevin. In the US, Christmas day is "Christmas Story"day, one of my childhood memories. I also used to watch the lighting of the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center in New York City.
6. Watch "Love Actually," "Christmas Story," "Home Alone" or lighting of the Rockefeller Christmas tree, etc. Despite having seen these films hundreds of times, it is not Christmas without Kevin. In the US, Christmas day is "Christmas Story"day, one of my childhood memories. I also used to watch the lighting of the Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center in New York City.
Skonsumować kalendarz adwentowy. Kalendarz adwentowy nie jest tylko dla
dzieci. Sama dostałam jeden w tym roku, po wielu latach, i radość jest
ta sama (mimo że zwyczajnie zapominam o otwieraniu kolejnych okienek z
powodu nadmiaru obowiązków.)
7. Consume an Advent calendar. The Advent Calendar is not just for kids. I got one this year, after many years, and the joy is the same (although I simply forget about opening another window because of excess duties.)
7. Consume an Advent calendar. The Advent Calendar is not just for kids. I got one this year, after many years, and the joy is the same (although I simply forget about opening another window because of excess duties.)
8. Zjednoczyć się z
bliskimi, wybaczyć. W tym czasie, odwiedzamy bliskich, wysyłamy im
karty, dzwonimy, piszemy maile. Fajnie jest otrzymywać życzenia
świąteczne i zrozumieć kto jest nam najbliższy. Dla mnie to okazja
zobaczyć się z mamą, a taką okazję mam tylko dwa razy do roku niestety.
8. Unite with loved ones, forgive. At this time, we visit relatives, send them cards, we call, write e-mails. It's fun to get greetings and understand who is closest to us. For me it's an opportunity to see my mom, and I only have the opportunity twice a year, unfortunately.
8. Unite with loved ones, forgive. At this time, we visit relatives, send them cards, we call, write e-mails. It's fun to get greetings and understand who is closest to us. For me it's an opportunity to see my mom, and I only have the opportunity twice a year, unfortunately.
Udekorować dom, ubrać choinkę, zapalić świeczki. Boże Narodzenie to
miks koloru czerwonego, zielonego, i białego, ale także i srebrnego czy
złotego, kto co lubi. Moja choinka jest po raz pierwszy cała złota, a w
pokoju czerwone dodatki jak poinsecja, świecznik, aniołek czy
mini-choinka. Świeczki w najlepszy sposób wprowadzają w świąteczny
9. Garnish the house, dress up a Christmas tree, light candles. Christmas is a mix of red, green, and white, but also silver and gold. My Christmas tree is entirely gold for the first time, there are red accents in my room like a poinsettia, candle holder, an angel, and a mini-Christmas tree. Candles are the best way to bring in the festive mood.
9. Garnish the house, dress up a Christmas tree, light candles. Christmas is a mix of red, green, and white, but also silver and gold. My Christmas tree is entirely gold for the first time, there are red accents in my room like a poinsettia, candle holder, an angel, and a mini-Christmas tree. Candles are the best way to bring in the festive mood.
10. Włączyć świąteczną muzykę. Czy to
płyta Michael Buble, czy tradycyjne hity jak Wham! Last Christmas, czy
nawet polskie wersje tych piosenek i kolęd, to jest jedyny czas w roku
na słuchanie tej muzyki. I po tym jak słuchamy jej miesiąc, dwa non-stop
w sklepach i w radiu, mamy dość na cały rok.
10. Turn on the Christmas music. Whether it's a Michael Buble album, or traditional hits as Wham!'s Last Christmas, or even Polish versions of these songs and carols, this is the only time of the year to listen to this music. And after listening to it for a month or two non-stop in the shops and on the radio, we have enough of them to last the whole year.
10. Turn on the Christmas music. Whether it's a Michael Buble album, or traditional hits as Wham!'s Last Christmas, or even Polish versions of these songs and carols, this is the only time of the year to listen to this music. And after listening to it for a month or two non-stop in the shops and on the radio, we have enough of them to last the whole year.
Nacieszyć się sezonowymi przysmakami. To o tej porze roku mandarynki są
najsłodsze, pierniczki najlepsze, a bliscy częstują nas potrawami i
deserami zrobionymi wyłącznie na święta. Ja wybieram mandarynki, cytrusy
i wszelkie bezglutenowe wypieki z korzennymi przyprawami.
11. Enjoy seasonal treats. It's that time of year when mandarins are the sweetest, gingerbread cookies taste the best, and we taste each others' dishes and desserts with close ones, made just for the holidays. I choose mandarins, citrus and all gluten-free pastries made with spicy seasonings.
11. Enjoy seasonal treats. It's that time of year when mandarins are the sweetest, gingerbread cookies taste the best, and we taste each others' dishes and desserts with close ones, made just for the holidays. I choose mandarins, citrus and all gluten-free pastries made with spicy seasonings.
Iść na łyżwy, sanki. Uwielbiam łyżwy. Godzina jazdy na łyżwach to ok
9km, i 500 spalonych kalorii. Jest to okazja na pobyt na świeżym
powietrzu, na trochę ruchu i na spędzanie czasu z najbliższą osobą. A
sanki są też fajne, tylko gdzie jest ten śnieg?
12. Go ice skating, sledding. I love to iceskate. An hour of skating is about 9km, and 500 calories burned. This is an opportunity to stay in the fresh air, while enjoying a little exercise and spending time with the person closest to us. Sledding is also cool, but where is the snow?
12. Go ice skating, sledding. I love to iceskate. An hour of skating is about 9km, and 500 calories burned. This is an opportunity to stay in the fresh air, while enjoying a little exercise and spending time with the person closest to us. Sledding is also cool, but where is the snow?
Zrobić sesję w Winter wonderland. Świeży puch pokrywający drzewa,
krzewy, trawę to idealna sceneria do zdjęć, zwłaszcza za miastem. Śniegu
na razie brak, musiałam się nacieszyć porannym szronem, również
pięknym. Biały świat jest taki spokojny, piękny.
13. Have a winter wonderland photo session. Fresh powder covering the trees, bushes, grass is the perfect scenery for pictures, especially outside the city. With no snow yet, I had to enjoy the morning frost, beautiful as well. A white world is so quiet, so beautiful.
13. Have a winter wonderland photo session. Fresh powder covering the trees, bushes, grass is the perfect scenery for pictures, especially outside the city. With no snow yet, I had to enjoy the morning frost, beautiful as well. A white world is so quiet, so beautiful.
Zobaczyć dekoracje. Choć najlepszą dekoracją są drzewa iglaste w
ogrodzie pokryte śniegiem i oświetlone lampionami, to w mieście
zadowalam się dekoracjami, pomimo ogromnych tłumów. Tu w Warszawie mamy
udekorowany Nowy świat i Starówkę, a w Nowym Jorku mam choinkę na
Rockefeller Center i otaczające ją słynne anioły, oraz bombki i
oświetlenie na Szóstej Alei.
14. See the decorations. Although the best decorations are conifers in the garden covered with snow surrounded by lit lanterns, decorations in the city satisfy as well, despite the huge crowds. Here in Warsaw, we have decorations in the Old Town and New Town, and in New York, a Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center and the surrounding famous angels, and baubles and lights on Sixth Avenue.
14. See the decorations. Although the best decorations are conifers in the garden covered with snow surrounded by lit lanterns, decorations in the city satisfy as well, despite the huge crowds. Here in Warsaw, we have decorations in the Old Town and New Town, and in New York, a Christmas tree at Rockefeller Center and the surrounding famous angels, and baubles and lights on Sixth Avenue.
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