Asystent |
Wiele lat temu, mając do wyboru prezent na
osiemnastkę od rodziców, musiałam zdecydować pomiędzy nowym laptopem, a
wymarzonym pieskiem. Wybrałam druga opcję, i pomimo zasikanego pokoju,
pogryzionych butów, niekończących się kłótni w domu z wyżej wymienionych
powodów, wydanych pieniędzy na weterynarzy, nigdy nie żałowałam tej
Wracając do Polski na stałe, było oczywiste, że zabiorę go ze
sobą. Razem rozpoczęliśmy nową przygodę. Był przy mnie, gdy kończyłam
szkoły - wpierw liceum, potem licencjat, magister. Patrzył jak
rozpoczynałam i kończyłam związki i przyjaźnie. Był przy mnie gdy zawalił się mój świat wraz ze
śmiercią mojego ojca, zmuszając mnie do wstania z łóżka aby wyjść na
spacer. Obserwował, jak zmieniałam prace, ciesząc się z moich dni
spędzonych w domu i buntując się gdy tylko wracałam na całe dnie do
pracy. Przeżył ze mną prawie 1/3 mojego życia. Jest moim największym
przyjacielem, moim skarbem, i ktoś kto nigdy nie posiadał psa, nigdy tej
miłości nie zrozumie. Pies jest wierny, zawsze się przytuli, i kocha
bezgranicznie. Rozumie więcej, niż nam się wydaje. Nauczyłam się ustawiać swoje plany według niego, śpiesząc się do domu bo czeka na spacer.
Teraz, gdy dowiedziałam się, że może być poważnie
chory, zupełnie inne rzeczy nabrały znaczenia w moim życiu. Przestałam
planować kolejne wyjścia do ulubionych sklepów, drogerii. Zamiast szukać
ciuchów online, odwiedzam inne portale w celach zdobycia cennych
informacji. Zamiast przeznaczać pieniądze na przyjemności, odkładam na
czarną godzinę, aby zrobić wszystko co możliwe by zapewnić mu zdrowe i
spokojne życie. Teraz on stał się moim priorytetem. Zawsze wszystkiego miałam dużo, bo tak zostałam wychowana, żeby niczego mi nie brakowało, ale pomimo pobytu za granicą, woda sodowa nie uderzyła mi do głowy i doceniam to co mam. Nic nie dorówna wartości tego jedynego skarbu bo nic go nigdy nie zastąpi. Bluzka się porwie - można zeszyć, przekształcić, kupić nową. Z żywym futrzakiem już trochę trudniej, nie mamy na to wpływu.
Wierzę, że będzie dobrze, i
za jakiś czas wszystko wróci do normy. Zamiast spędzać bezsensownie
czas w Internecie, wolę nacieszyć się nim, dopóki go mam. Oby to trwało
jak najdłużej, bo pustki po takiej stracie, żaden ciuch czy nowoczesny
tablet nigdy nie wypełni!
What's it all for - material things and all
I love fashion and enjoy looking good but sometimes there are these moments when I think about the sense of having all these material things. We spend money on them, fill our closets with them, showw them to others, take photos in them, but at the end of the day, it’s not the amount of clothes in our closert that count, but the emotions, love, memories, enjoyable moments spent with others.
Many years ago, when given the choice of an eighteenth birthday present from my parents, I had to chose between a new laptop and a dog. I chose the second option and despite a urine filled room, bitten shoes, never ending fights at home regarding aforementioned things, money spent on vets, I never regretted that decision.
Many years ago, when given the choice of an eighteenth birthday present from my parents, I had to chose between a new laptop and a dog. I chose the second option and despite a urine filled room, bitten shoes, never ending fights at home regarding aforementioned things, money spent on vets, I never regretted that decision.
Coming back to Poland permanently made it clear that he was coming with me. We started a new adventure together. He was there when I finished school - first high school, then my Bachelor’s, Master’s. He watched me start and end relationships and friendships. He was there when my world collapsed when my father passed away, forcing me to get out of bed for a walk. He observed, how I changed jobs, being happy when I was home freelancing and rebelling every time I went back for a full day of work. He lived 1/3 of my life with me. He’s my best friend, my treasure and someone who never had a dog, would never understand that love. A dog is loyal, always ready for a hug, loves unconditionally. He understands more, than we can even imagine. I’ve learned to live my life according to him, running home after work to walk him and planning my vacations accordingly.
Now, when I learned that he might be really sick, different things gained new meaning in my life. I stopped planning shopping trips to favorite stores or drugstores. Instead of researching clothes online, I visit other portals to get more valuable information. Rather than spending my money on pleasant things, I’m saving it just in case, to do whatever it takes to ensure he has a healthy and calm life. He’s my priority now. I always had a lot of everything because that’s how I was raised, to have everything I need, but despite living abroad, I never became a snob and appreciate everything I have. Nothing compares to the value of that one treasure because nothing will replace it. A shirt rips - you can sew it, alter it, buy a new one. A live furry friend is harder to fix, we have no influence.
With this, I started thinking about things we own. What is it all for? I don’t own a designer bag and don’t intend to because for what, to put an Instagram picture up and get a few likes? I’d rather hug my furry friend and laugh at his fooling around. At the end of the day, the way the day was lived matters, who it was spent with and in what way, memories matter, photos, and not material things. Material things, whether it’s clothing or a bag or new tech, are awesome, useful, but they don’t hug, don’t give off mutual love. It’s important for material things to not tramp over us, to have some balance. What’s a newest phone for, if you just want to show it off because you actually value simplicity and minimalism?
I believe it will all be ok and everything will go back to normal. Instead of spending my time uselessly online, I’d rather enjoy his company while I can. Hopefully, this will last as long as possible, because the emptiness after such a loss is something no clothing or new tablet can ever fill!
Now, when I learned that he might be really sick, different things gained new meaning in my life. I stopped planning shopping trips to favorite stores or drugstores. Instead of researching clothes online, I visit other portals to get more valuable information. Rather than spending my money on pleasant things, I’m saving it just in case, to do whatever it takes to ensure he has a healthy and calm life. He’s my priority now. I always had a lot of everything because that’s how I was raised, to have everything I need, but despite living abroad, I never became a snob and appreciate everything I have. Nothing compares to the value of that one treasure because nothing will replace it. A shirt rips - you can sew it, alter it, buy a new one. A live furry friend is harder to fix, we have no influence.
With this, I started thinking about things we own. What is it all for? I don’t own a designer bag and don’t intend to because for what, to put an Instagram picture up and get a few likes? I’d rather hug my furry friend and laugh at his fooling around. At the end of the day, the way the day was lived matters, who it was spent with and in what way, memories matter, photos, and not material things. Material things, whether it’s clothing or a bag or new tech, are awesome, useful, but they don’t hug, don’t give off mutual love. It’s important for material things to not tramp over us, to have some balance. What’s a newest phone for, if you just want to show it off because you actually value simplicity and minimalism?
I believe it will all be ok and everything will go back to normal. Instead of spending my time uselessly online, I’d rather enjoy his company while I can. Hopefully, this will last as long as possible, because the emptiness after such a loss is something no clothing or new tablet can ever fill!