

I grew up in the US and although I always loved Poland, being American will always be a part of me. I feel different than people who spent their whole lives in Poland. Luckily, I know fluent, no accent included, Polish and English (a surprise to many! yes, it's possible!).
I've been living in Warsaw for three years now, and I love it. But I do miss NY, and having my mom there (who I visit once a year and receive care packages from) really helps. Otherwise, I would feel fully detached from my American self. Well, not entirely, but it would be hard. I mean c'mon, life without Pop Tarts is just not sweet enough!

I spent my summers in Poland but only when I moved back here permanently did I realize, there are things I just won't understand about my fellow citizens:

1. Eating cereal with warm milk.
Seriously? They warm up their milk on the stove top. To eat with cereal. And I mean adults. Why?

2. Wearing ballet flats or pumps with socks
Another big, fat why? If you're cold, wear booties, don't stuff your shoes with thick socks.

3. Carrying sandwiches around.
That's so Polish. Workday = three sandwiches. Day trip = two sandwiches, two juices, and an apple. What's with putting ham, cheese and tomato in between cold bread?

4. Reusing disposable items.
Washing disposable utensils, cups and plates is normal. I only reuse plastic bags, for my dog's poops.

5. Not cleaning up after dogs
Speaking of dogs, there is no NYC-like sign warning of a $1000 fine. So you get your boots all pooped up while bending over to clean up after your own dog. Karma?

6. Pre-precautions
I grew up in NYC where I rode the Subway alone to the scariest places, and I survived. I've traveled by plane alone with layovers in different cities since I was 12. Why in the world then do people I know, freak out when I tell them I'll take the train/bus over to them (a 2-3 hour ride)? I've even purchased pepper spray, but that was only after a creepy guy followed me at night.

7. Overdressing kids
These poor children are dressed as if they're going skiing, when out on a 5 minute walk. They can't move their limbs.

8. Not always being open to diversity
I grew up in the melting pot city, tasted food from around the world, heard dozens of languages and met people from everywhere. It kills me when my grandma won't accept a non-church wedding or God forbid, a fiancee with a different skin color or speaking a different language.

9. Thinking being different is worse
I've had "friends" and acquaintances who made sure to underline the fact, that I'm not like them.  Because I didn't grow up watching the same TV shows or don't know some cultural facts. But they never tasted S'mores or watched Arthur on PBS. Regarding American things, like Twizzlers, I heard - you guys just have different taste buds. Seriously?

10. Criticizing everything American
I've heard hurtful criticism about where I grew up but most people don't even want to taste something American without criticizing it. I'm told that, this will make them fat, or, it's full of fake stuff, or, it's just disgusting. Fact is, I've seen more organic and natural products in the US than anywhere else.

I'm sure there's many more. When I think of such, I'll create Americana part 2.